Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sarah's Vegan Thumbprint's. Among Other Things.

These Vegan Thumbprint's are amazingly easy and slightly fun to bake.

Sarah's Vegan Thumbprint's:

1 Cup Earth Balance at room temperature (or other vegan butter)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
1 1/2 cup Unbleached All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
Jam of your choice
(Joe chose Black Cherry. He says the other's had High Fructose Corn Syrup ;) somebody is learning)
 The line up:

 Preheat oven at 350 degrees F.
In a small bowl, cream together vanilla and room temperature Earth Balance.

Add your powdered sugar to the mix. 
In a separate bowl, combine flour mixture and sprinkle in your dash of cinnamon.
Add in your flour mixture to the butter mixture. 

Roll your dough into little balls and place them on your ungreased cookie sheet, roughly 2 inches apart.
It appears I need my cookie sheets! They're stained!
Then press lightly into each ball with your thumb to create a little dip. 
Fill the 'dips' with your jam. 
Bake in the oven for 12-14 minutes on the top rack. You don't want them to get hard, so keep an eye on them. You want the edges to just barely get tan/golden.

PLEASE. Make sure you don't eat them immediately out of the oven. The jam will be extremely hot, and it will burn the roof of your mouth off. 

Yum! I even ate one or two. ;) I know wheat & flour seems to make my stomach angry.. But sometimes, you just can't quite help yourself.

I've strayed a bit from eating raw the past week or so. I've had an extremely stressful past week and a half or so. But it's a new week and I'm going to be making a lot more raw foods again. Keep your eye's peeled!

I also have some photos of our house, now that it's finally coming together. Our bedroom has changed since I've taken these photos. So I will take a new one and post it later. Everybody loves to peek into other peoples homes, right?

I'm pretty sure you've all seen the kitchen.

Here is my dehydrator, on the other side of the counter is my juicer and mini blender.

Living room looking into kitchen.

This is the other end of the living room. I'm not sure what we are going to set up here.. It's kind of a large amount of empty space right now.

TV.. This has also changed to a 42" LCD VIZIO. I love it.
Backyard. :)

'My' Bathroom.

'Joe's' Bathroom.

Again, it has changed, and slowly will be changing with time.

Study room. Obviously, still working on this, it needs a bit of furniture. :)

Yoga room. Still under construction as well!

All right, that's all for now! I'm hiding the ugly downstairs bathroom, storage  & closets for another day!

Take care & happy Tuesday!

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